Friday 30 April 2010

Laura loves...

Laura and I took a little while to come up with this picture, then finding a lab that could be made dark enough for it to work and finally getting the timing right with the lights and the flash. It's not perfect, but I think we're both pretty pleased with the result.

Thursday 29 April 2010


The squares of the city centre are filled with a colourful European market at the moment. This is one of the sweet stalls.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

The monolith

A large rusty sculpture at the bottom of Shalesmoor, which is part of the next stage of the same student accommodation development that gave us the shiny balls further up the hill. I kinda like in a slightly cynical way - it's nice look at, but I am not fooled by the artistic motives of the company that commissioned it. This picture is an exposure blend of 5 separate images done in Photmatix Pro.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Moonset at 4am

The view from my bedroom window at 4am this morning. I was struck by the way the setting (nearly) full moon was echoed by the streetlamp across the road. Taken through the open window by resting the camera on a pillow. I was more-or-less still asleep at the time and had no idea until I woke again a couple of hours later if I had even managed to point the camera, focus and expose the picture properly.

Monday 26 April 2010

Second best

I had been intending to take a few pictures at the funfair in Hillsborough Park this evening, but once I got there I didn't like the vibe. Too many kids, too many cops; it just felt like trouble so I came away again. Instead I offer this quick picture of Kelham Weir on the Upper Don, taken whilst I was cycling in the late afternoon.

Sunday 25 April 2010

Outbuilding in infrared

Today is World Pinhole Day, which is an annual excuse to dust off those old pinhole cameras and burn some film without the aid of lenses. I have been busy with my converted Agfa Clack and my digital pinhole, and the resulting pictures will be posted here. Instead this morning I drove out to Hollow Meadows to see what this old, ruined outbuilding looked like in infrared. Shot on with a #87 filter, which is completely black to visible light, (and human eyes), the Pentax reveals this otherworldly scene.

Saturday 24 April 2010

Those wacky Australians

Been busy all day today with chores, chores and chores. Oh, and rewiring the lights in the garage. I replaced the old strip lamps with these waterproof ones, which are overkill for indoors but were actually cheaper than the non-waterproof ones. They are also made in Australia. I don't think I have ever bought anything made in Australia before that wasn't either beer or TimTams! I couldn't help noticing that despite there being only one sensible way to mount them (i.e. on the ceiling), the manufacturer's label was stuck on upside-down. Is that a mistake or the Ocker sense of humour, I wonder?

Friday 23 April 2010

Drink of England

Today is St George's Day. In vain I wandered round town at dinner looking for something 'St George-y'. Not even the Devonshire Cat was doing anything vaguely patriotic. Not very impressed, Sheffield. In desperation I turned to a bottle of Bombardier (in more ways than one!).

Thursday 22 April 2010

City Roads

A view of Park Square from the tram bridge at Ponds Forge. I was struck by how much information the drivers have to take in. There's virtually a novel written on the roadway alone, without even considering the normal signs. With four lanes, multiple exits and everyone dashing round at 10,000 miles an hour, woe betide anyone so lost that they need to actually read where to go.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Oooh, me, me, I know what it is!

Imagine you'd never seen a bicycle before. Imagine that you had to draw a picture of one, and the only guide you had was a description from a blind man. I still reckon you could do better than this!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Steps up to Wadsley Bridge

Still poking the camera into places it shouldn't go - this is shot through the railings for the old entrance to Wadsley Bridge station. When I first moved here you could still walk up to the original platform (as long as you ignored the dire warnings from British Rail). Railtrack fenced the whole thing off with the same fence they used to chop up the gravestone back here. Hard to imagine this was a thoroughfare for 20,000 football fans catching the 'specials' only a generation ago.

Monday 19 April 2010

A reflective mood

I really do like this sculpture in one of the gardens of the student accommodation blocks. Unfortunately the weather was a bit grey, but you can still get some idea how student apartments have taken over and 'gentrified' the area to the north of the university. When I first arrived this area was all run down industry and ladies of easy virtue. On a side note, ask yourself, if this is a mirror ball where's the photographer?

Sunday 18 April 2010

Spring is sprung (pt. 2)

These daffodils just above Rainow are always the last to bloom. Last Sunday when I shot the flowers at Siddington, these flowers still weren't out, but now whilst the others are slowly fading these are at their best.

Friday 16 April 2010

Derelict workshop

I went for the usual walk at dinner time and came across one of the semi-derelict Victorian factory buildings that are scattered across the city. Originally they would have been divided into small workshops, each rented to a craftsman (called 'little masters'), whom collectively would have constituted a cutlery works. One would have a forge, one a sharpening shop, perhaps one would be a plater and finally one would have made bone or ivory handles. On this particular building most of the windows were boarded up, but this workshop had two recently smashed windows on the ground floor. I stuck my hand in amongst the broken glass and snapped this picture of the interior. I suspect the building will have gone in 12 months time.

Thursday 15 April 2010

Sculptured by air

A deceptively simple one today, inspired by the photos of Janet Thorpe from my local camera club, Sheffield Photographic Society. Take one camera, one flashgun, one black background and one incense stick (stuck into a potato to hold it up!), mix together for 30 mins and you have around 100 images to sort through! I am still not sure this is the 'best', but this was the one I liked the second I came to export the image from Adobe Lightroom, so we're stuck with it.

PS Special mention to the shopkeeper in Spaceman, who gave me an opened pack of incense sticks for free when he heard I wanted them for a photo project. Cheers mate, you get a link for that. And no mum, this isn't the kind of shop I usually frequent!

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Do you wanna bet?

Down by the new fire station is a vast area of cleared and fenced-off land earmarked for the new SevenStone shopping complex. This was of course all before the credit crunch. With a misplaced spirit of optimism someone had a graffiti artist (yes, another one!) paint slogans on the fence. This one seemed particularly inappropriate.

Technical note. Five shot hand-held panorama stitched together in Photoshop.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

View from Bradfield

High above Bradfield in the evening light looking towards Agden and Dale Dike reservoirs.

Monday 12 April 2010

Duck at Damflask

I went for a drive up to Bradfield and Damflask reservoir after tea to try and catch the sun, which once again had waited until the end of the day to put in an appearance. I ended up with several pictures that could have done service for today, but in the end I went with this one because it's 'funnest' (whatever that means - probably the least contrived?). I promise not to do too many sunsets though.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Spring is Sprung

This is Siddington village green. Someone has been very busy planting bulbs, that's for sure!

Saturday 10 April 2010

In the middle of the Middlewood

Set off for a bike ride down the Middlewood Way only to get a puncture after 2 miles. My own fault for not pumping up the tyres hard enough before setting off. I was pushing the bike back to Gareth's house, where there was a cup of tea and a footpump, when I came across this toad sat right in the middle of the Middlewood. It turned out to be a serendipitious meeting for us both; me because I got a portrait for today, and 'him' because I managed to shoo him off the cycle track before he got squished.

Friday 9 April 2010

A walking cure for depression?

It's always nice to know that if you get down in the dumps then you can take a little stroll towards a happier you. Or at least from Castleton you can!

Thursday 8 April 2010

Race Night

Thursday night is race night at Owlerton Stadium. For half the year it's dogs and for the other half of the year it's speedway. Whilst on the hill yesterday afternoon I noticed that there was a good view of the stadium, so returned tonight when the lights were on. It's amazing how noisy the motorbikes were from up here - I'd hate to be living here.

On a side note, if Lightroom 3 screws up my Flickr photostream one more time I shall hop on a 'plane to California and murder the authors. I don't think they have ever used Flickr, so stupid are the settings in their publish tool.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Looking towards the city centre from Scraith Wood

Today has been mostly grey and attempting to rain, so it was with some trepidation I was searching through the meagre dinnertime snaps for something that would go here. However, shortly after tea the clouds melted away and the sun shone for an hour before it set. I jumped in the car and headed for the nearest hill. In the final few minutes of sunlight I took this picture looking back towards the city centre.

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Portland Mailboxes

Not far from Sheffield United's stadium is an old, rambling brick-built factory called the Portland Works. To look at it you wouldn't believe it was in any way remarkable, but it was here that the words 'stainless steel' were first coined and it was here that the alloy was first shaped into cutlery. It is said that more people today eat with stainless steel implements than can speak English, making it one of Britain's most successful exports. Just inside the archway where horse-drawn wagons would once have arrived is this wall of mailboxes for the factory's current occupiers. The few remaining 'little masters' work cheek-by-jowl with 21st century artist and musicians.

Monday 5 April 2010

Underneath the Silk Road

Or, Adventures with High Dynamic Range. The above photo is a HDR composite of 5 separate exposures blended together with Photomatix Pro (highly recommended - lots faster and more tuneable than Photoshop). This lets me correctly expose for the shadows of the dark brick sets and yet just keep some detail in the sky. Oh, and btw, it's underneath the Silk Road by Water's Green in Macclesfield.

Sunday 4 April 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Sandra

Went to a birthday celebration for my Aunt Sandra today. The Official Secrets Act forbids me from saying which birthday it was. OK, it was 26. Sorry for telling everyone Sandra.

Saturday 3 April 2010

The stream beneath Nab End

Now I have had the chance to look closely at an OS map, this stream looks like it could be a tributary of Todd Brook and nothing at all to do with Walker Barn. The maps I have at the moment have an embarrassing gap around this area. I'll probably have to call on Amazon and rectify that. Anyway, I think the place is called Nab End, high above Rainow.

Friday 2 April 2010


Sadly no time to get out shooting much today. Anyway, there was a lot of grey and rain (but some sunny bits, it has to be said). So again the *istDS and the 50mm macro come to the rescue. Mum's grown this amaryllis in her porch and she's quite proud of it. The close-up les offers a view you otherwise perhaps wouldn't see?

Thursday 1 April 2010

Two old friends pay a visit

No, it's not what you think. I just dug out my first DSLR, the Pentax *istDS, and attached the old 50mm macro lens and shot the first thing that popped into view. Because it's spring I am intending using the *istDS to shoot some infra-red pics (watch this space) so thought it would be a good idea to charge it up and run some frames through well in advance. Unfortunately I now can't find the infra-red filter, arghh. Meanwhile I am just astonished how good the old macro lens is. Pin sharp at 4 inches away; you'd pay 100's of pounds for that quality nowadays.