Saturday 11 December 2010

Thawing at last

About 100 degrees warmer today and everything is showing it.

Friday 10 December 2010

Dirty snow

The remaining snow is piled up unto big dirty heaps dotted randomly around town.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Stark vs. Subtle

Playing around with composition here; not entirely satisfied with the result. I do like the building though and the way the light is completely different on two sides, despite them being made of the same materials. I still can't believe that so much architectural effort would be spent on a mere car park when all around buildings that come from the architectural school of bland, and are meant for occupation by proper people, are being thrown up willy-nilly.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Even the Gods were not pleased

The students have been revolting again today. There was another march and demonstration outside the town hall. Massive police presence in case they accidentally overthrew the government or something. The police helicopter was out yet again and circled round and round and round. Here the statue of Vulcan atop the town hall brandishes his arrows in the direction of the officers of the law.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Far from home

A grey day and a rushed dinnertime. These bright Spanish flags were fluttering from a stall in the Millennium Gardens and added a splash of colour to the day.

Monday 6 December 2010


All day today this pile of snow has slid further and further off the roof towards the car parked below. Every time I have looked up I have been expecting to find it has fallen, but up until leaving work this afternoon it was still tenaciously hanging on.

Sunday 5 December 2010


I was walking up the hill, coming back from feeding the ducks and geese in Hillsborough Park, when one of the vast, new retail sheds they are building on Kilner Way suddenly caught the sun like a mirror. It looked like it was chrome-plated against the clear blue sky.